


Shipping records is a careful balance. Too little protection (I.E. standard square boxes) and the records show up with Dog-Eared corners. Too stiff of a box and the records show up with split jacket seams due to all the energy being transferred from the box to the contents.

This is where Twisterbox comes in. The novel “Twist” fold of the Twisterbox performs three key functions: 1.) It provides an expandable inner pocket for the contents with single-layer corner zones, designed to cushion in package impacts, 2.) it provides a double layer of rigidity at the core of the box via the folds which results in superior interior rigidity, and 3.) The inner panels act as both content stabilizers and fillers, allowing for many shipments to bypass the need for any flat pads and/or bubble padding. All this in a truly price-competitive package.

  • Fully adaptable for a multitude of shipment sizes – from 1 LP on up
  • Made from up to 50% post-consumer/Recycled cardboard
  • Produced and manufactured locally owned factory in the Pacific Northwest
  • Save money on each shipment with a weight that allows for most single item shipments to fall at the lowest possible media mail price, while still providing the protection your customers demand.
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If you need a quantity of less than 50 or more than 1000, please let us know so you can get the best price possible.

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